For those passionate about offroad, we can offer qualified specialized training (as pilots and co-pilots), orientation lessons and familiarization with the navigation programmes.

Being able to drive through areas with rough terrain enables you to easily reach touristic locations otherwise difficult to access.

The adventure, either short or long, includes a gourmet break: a barbecue or cooking over fire in a cauldron.

In addition we guarantee spectacular, fairytale sceneries that you will never forget.

We are waiting for you!


Short Tracks: 1/2 day

[su_spoiler title= „Track: Simon Peak – Pangaracior Valley – Pangarati Valley – The Old Way of the Raftsmen”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Cut Valley – Doamna Creek – Agarcia Valley – Secu Vaduri Valley”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Cuejdi Valley – The Drills’ Road – Țiganca (Gipsy Woman) Peak – Cuejdel Lake”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Cuejdi Valley – Vanatorilor (Hunters) Cabin – Obcinei Peak – Pangaracior Valley”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Secu Vaduri Valley – Oantu Valley – Pangarati Valley – Pangaracior Valley”]


Long Tracks: 1 day

[su_spoiler title= „Track: Bratesu Unguresc Valley – Muntele Lung (the Long Mountain) – Damuc Valley – Surducului Saddle – Bicaz Chei limestone Quarry „]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Barnadu hamlet – Granicerilor Road (the Rangers’ Road) – Vit-Havas Peak – Pangarati Pass – Poiana Alba (The White Clearing) – Paraul Oii (The Sheep’s Creek) – Piatra Cherecului (Cherecului Stone)– Bicajelului Valley”]


Long Tracks: 2 days

[su_spoiler title= „Track: Bicazul Ardelean Valley – Tulghes –Retitis Meteo Station (Calimani Mountains) – Pietrosu Calimanilor Peak – The Brimstone Quarry – Giumalau Peak – Rarau Massif – Bistrita Valley”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: On the footsteps of Vitoria Lipan: Cuejdel Valley – Mitocul Balan hamlet – Sihla – Pipirig – Stanisoarei Mountains – Crucea Talienilor (Talienilor’s Cross) – Sabasa Creek”]


Pensiunea Drumul Plutașilor

Pentru rezervări, contactați-l pe Daniel la numărul de telefon:

0722 305 703