Our electric bicycles offer you the possibility to cover much longer distances than classical bicycles do.

You will be able to see and enjoy more in less time.

For the passionate cyclists, we also have normal bicycles.

We are waiting for you! Meanwhile, here are some of our favourite bike tracks:

[su_spoiler title= „Track: Bicăjelului Valley”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Bistrei Valley – Stănile Clearing”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Tarcăului Valley”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Pangarati Lake, Vaduri Lake, Batca Doamnei Lake”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: Pângărați Pass – Drumul Grănicerilor (The Rangers’ Road) – Bicaz Canyon”]


[su_spoiler title= „Track: the Bicaz Dam – Piciorul Baicului (Baicului Foot)”]


[su_spoiler title=”Track: Bistrița Monastery”]


Pensiunea Drumul Plutașilor

Pentru rezervări, contactați-l pe Daniel la numărul de telefon:

0722 305 703